Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lenten Season

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. The Lenten season lasts for six weeks before Easter and this is a time of remembering Christ's suffering and death.  Traditionally we are taught to give up something during Lent but now many Christians add something. This could be in the form of being more prayerful, giving to others or working on your own personal way to be closer to Jesus. Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving are traditional Lenten practices. Lent is a time to reflect on how our words and deeds affect our relationship with others and God. 
There are many activities during Lent at the Church I attend. Tonight we attended Mass and received ashes on our forehead in a sign of the Cross. Every Friday we have a soup supper, Mass and Stations of the Cross. This is a "story" of Christ's Passion. During  Holy Week we have Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil.
I enjoy so much this time of year. Spring begins and all things are made anew.


Betsy said...

Ours is a fish fry - yummm.

robin said...

Went to Ash Wednesday Service. Class on Thursday about the Beatitudes. We also blessed each other to close our class. You could feel the spirit among us. Are you fasting? I am. Lent is such a wonderful time of discovering God.